Monday, September 06, 2004

AJ: nesting

I don't know how many people there are that are reading this. I put the first journal entry online as a sort of self help therapy thing. There weren't exactly a lot of people around to talk to, and those that are around aren't exactly comfortable talking about what happened. I noticed after I set it up though, that there were outside hits. I have to apologize for the lateness of my posting, I honestly didn't realize that there were so many
of you still left, and still able to communicate this way. When I went ofline almost immediately my email started to get messages from other survivors. I think for now I should just continue with what happened then, and work my way up to now.
Ok, so I left off after the first night. We had the building secured, and were waiting for things to get bad. None of us could sleep, even though we had by this point been up for about 48 hours. We heard the occasional noise from outside, we still didn't see much out of the ordinary. There were the occasional gunshots, a few crashes, even heard an explosion or two. It's kind of hard to keep track now, we were all so scared, so tired. I think most of us were in shock.
It was around noon when I saw the first one. It came shambling down the road, straight down the center line. It was obviously a victim of violence.It left a blood trail behind it. It was hard to tell from the distance who it was. We couldn't even tell if it was male or female. It didn't see us, and we sure as hell weren't going to try and attract its attention. A few of us had to muffle screams, and I know that someone threw up. We had all seen these things before. Of course, that was on CNN, and no one even thought that it was this horrific. We must have sat there for the whole day watching. There were more coming after that one. Some were horrible, burnt, wrecked creatures. Others, aside from the occasional blood stain almost looked normal. They were milling around aimlessly, only occasionally being attracted by a distant noise, or bird. It was like watching bored drunks. All told on the first day after the big noise we saw about two dozen of them shuffling around on the streets in front of the building. From there, i remember going into the bathroom, throwing up for what seemed like an hour, splashing some water on my face, and going to sleep curled up in a ball next to my grandmother and nephew.
When I woke up it was dark. I didn't know how long i was out, but it was dark out. My nephew was sleeping, and my grandmother wide eyed was stroking his head.
"Those, those, things, they wont get in here will they Allan?"
"No, nanny, not if i can help it."
Standing up I could feel every ache, and bump. The concrete floor was not a good bed. Stretching, i made my way downstairs to security. they jumped when I opened the door, but were otherwise calm. The cameras had picked up a lot more since the dozen or so. they were creeping within range of every one of the cameras. taking out some paper we decided to draw up some plans to make this more comfortable and more secure.
The first thing we did was to raid the cafeteria. The food we had could be kept in the reridgerators and cupboards on the upper floors. The cafeteria was far too risky where it was. Sure the cinder block but hut was ok for now. but if anything bad happened those glass doors wouldn't stand a chance. I laughed at myself when i thought about my logic for abandoning the basement and first floor. Night of the living dead, lol. Those things can crawl, they can slither, but there aint a one among them that can fly. I was taking the high ground.
Luckily the power didn't even fluctuate, so moving the supplies up the elevators wasn't a problem. While we were moving supplies the watch schedule I worked out came into play. we had two men always on the cameras, and one man on lookout on each floor. doing the rounds. The exits were all secured, but it payed to be safe.
It took us about day and a half to get everything situated. The fifth floor was designated as living space. We disassembled the cubicle walls in certain sections making rooms of about five feet in height. The second floor was untouched, the only thing being the computers we moved down from fifth floor. It would have been easier to throw them out the window, but I didn't want to draw any attention from the noise, and i didn't want to waste anything at all. Aside from the comfy chairs that were provided, there was precious little by way of furniture. We had sleeping pallets made from blankets, and spare clothes, but that wouldn't do in the long run. We needed to make this more livable. I had a feeling we were going to be there for a long time.

Please, anyone who is out there,send me a message, if your email isn't working send it through the comments sections. I know for a fact most of the main Microsoft stuff is still online, and so is googles. so, and accounts are working for certain.
Thanks, and keep living!


Anonymous said...

Saw your post on Hotel 23 (Raptorman) Forum. I am liking this journal... keep's just getting interesting....

Midnighter said...

Will do buckaroo.