Thursday, September 30, 2004

AJ: routine life

Well, it was time to scout. We had little or no knowledge of what was going on in the greater world. Hell, we had no knowledge of what was going on out of eye shot of our building. The bruises from my outing the day before had healed to a somber purple colour, and weren't throbbing as much as they had been.

We were starting to settle into a routine in the building. The Kids were being entertained by some of the older people, there was even talk of starting some sort of class in one of the boardrooms. The food was improving, people were less into a siege mentality now that things had settled down. the explosions had stopped, and we rarely heard a scream of any type. The fact that it had calmed down really settled a lot of peoples nerves, but it only made me edgy. Sure the sounds of distaste and horror had stopped, but so had the other human noises. An eerie calm had seemed to settle over everything.

The others were against me going out again. Their argument was that we had food, we had shelter, why risk myself like that for curiosities sake? I had to try and explain how desperate our situation was without really panicking anyone. Sure we had food and shelter, but we had no idea what was waiting out there for us. The building was safe, for now, and we had no way of telling how long it would be safe. The thing that got the majority of them on my side was the simple fact that we needed to get ready for winter. We live in a rather northern climate, and winter is a constant in all of our minds. The building while being ideal for late summer early autumn, was not perfect for winter without preparation. After this argument settled, I made my plans. Secretly I drew up other plans, plans I couldn't bring up to my family and friends.

Again I woke with a start. We were all huddled in makeshift rooms on the fifth floor. The cubes had been emptied out, or moved around to make rooms. The walls of the cubes had been taken down in places and stacked making uncomfortable sleeping pallets raised from the floor. It was still dark as I made my way down to facilities. My "armour" was hanging from a hook on the wall. Suiting up, I checked the duct tape, made a few adjustments, and picked my weapon. The gun was slipped into my pocket, and my knife was in its sheath at my side. I chose a good club again a support beam from one of the cubes. I couldn't get the thought of medieval knights going off to battle out of my head. Making my way out of the building was easy. A quick survey proved no droolers in the area. So I quickly made it down from the front barricades. I slipped into my car again. Making sure not to make any noise. I had no idea what attracted them, but I was damned well trying my best not to find out.. yet.