Monday, September 20, 2004

AJ: planning

My left leg was still throbbing from my earlier incident. So, I was definitely not
going to do much walking. I was limping a little when I helped load everything into the
building. I laughed it off as tripping over thawed halibut. I wasn't in the mood to talk
about what had happened yet. It was only around 1pm, so, I went in, said hi to everyone.
Reassured my worried grandmother that I was OK, and had a quick bite to eat. Everyone dove
into the new supplies like gleeful madmen. It was awhile since anything good had
happened. we were barricaded in this building for about a week now. So nerves were a
little frayed.

The kids really dove into the toys and candies I got, the adults who were more pragmatic
gleefully dove into the few blankets and clothes I had brought. The better to make bedding
with. So far everyone was sleeping on folded up clothes, with the odd blanket thrown in.
With the few blankets I got from the fish plant and Lawtons this made more to go around.
People had been so anxious to grab food, and other supplies that simple bedding had failed
to make the cut.

After we had finished getting all the new supplies put away I made my plans clear.
We were going to need to know more about what was going on. Simple supply runs were one
thing, but we needed to know what was going on, get the lay of the land. Of course as soon
as I said this everyone was dead set against it. Their argument was that we had food, we
were safe, why risk it? It kind of made me mad, and I had a few choice words to say. Sure
we were safe for now, but what about later? When the food ran out? Where were those
things? What were they doing? We needed more information on those things before we could
start feeling anywhere near safe.

I didn't dare tell them the rest of my plans...